Lyrics to something

Not one for the spotlight, don’t look upon me

When the light hits my flesh, my voice is not free

Observe me at my worst, in my vile form

Just hang me at the gallows, forget about me

Alive with repentance, my past resented

A lonely acquiescence, a life detested

You never wanted me, my progenitors

You never wanted me, my confidants

There she is lamenting, there she is condemned

There she is delighting, there she is ignored

There she is orating, there she is condemned

There she is adoring, there she is ignored

Nervous topics, exchanged between

I wish you were here with me

Little drawings, as we speak

I wish you were here with me

Sorrowful entrapment, the gloom is blinding

The eyes turned backwards, the present dying

A billion souls lost, spend billions fighting

We don’t witness the death we cause

We cheat guilt with shaky laws

Music to something

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