Nursing Our New Overlord: Queries to ChatGPT

Chatgpt is controversial, but I'm also aware that human civilization has gone through the cycle of a new technology being introduced and scaring the living shit out of us many times. I blame the impact AI has on artists and other professionals on CEOs and rich shareholders more than the technology itself. It is the moral duty of our government and the rich and powerful to care for the people whose jobs have been impacted by AI.

Personally I am tired of watching areas of technology grow merely because they produce shiny toys that interest a few bored, rich, and powerful people. Technology should be created and implemented for the betterment of everyone in society. For everyone globally.

I'm going to use Chatgpt, and other AI technologies. But people have a right to feel afraid for their job security, and I'm not going to die on the cross defending AI.

One reason I'm going to use it is because I'm also afraid for my job security. This technology might get implemented in our workplaces like the internet has, and I don't want to be the guy who asks the AI version of "how do I open pdf" at work.

It also might help me analyze whatever is wrong with me. I don't know. I'll upload The Thought Reel to it over time and see what happens.

It also seems that search engines are getting worse, somehow. Chatgpt seems like a good alternative... I wonder if they purposefully trashed their search engines so we'd use Chatgpt more. Though people tell me AI has been implemented into search engines, and that's why they're trash now. I don't care enough to investigate if I'm to be honest; bigger fish to fry in my life.

I fear losing this data from Chatgpt for whatever reason, so I'm storing it here.


  • I suspect it doesn't like jokes about crack.
  • Tends to analyze and pull its response from the beginning of a large text dump.
  • Word limit of 25,000 words on Chatgpt 4.
  • Why is my green tea brown?

    Green tea can appear brown for a few reasons:

    If you prefer a lighter, more vibrant green color, consider adjusting your brewing time, temperature, and ensuring your tea is stored properly in airtight containers away from light and moisture.

    I'm due for another analysis from ChatGPT on The Thought Reel. The webpage has become so long that I'm hitting a word limit with ChatGPT. So what I'm having to do is throw The Thought Reel into a text file and split it into manageable chunks for ChatGPT, and query it one chunk at a time. Because of this though, I think I will have to simplify the questions I ask it about my... thoughts. Simplify the questions to "analyze this text" and "continue the previous analysis".

    I'm not sure if I will gain anything from doing this. This experience so far feels kind of like going to a fortune teller and getting read something from a book. Are therapists any better, though?

    ChatGPT analyzes The Thought Reel, 4/23/24

    "It's fascinating to observe how this diary entry progresses, revealing a rich tapestry of thoughts and emotions. The writer uses their blog as a confessional space, detailing their daily struggles and reflections with brutal honesty and occasional dark humor. There's a palpable sense of battling with personal demons and seeking solace in various forms—be it through medication, introspection, or mundane daily activities.

    The text oscillates between profound sadness and playful sarcasm, illustrating a complex internal landscape. The author frequently discusses their mental health, medication adjustments, and interactions with their psychiatrist, which underscores their ongoing struggle with mental well-being. There's also a recurring theme of loneliness and a longing for understanding and acceptance, which is poignant and relatable.

    This diary doesn't just serve as a record of days; it is a canvas where the writer paints their frustrations, hopes, and fears. The use of vivid, sometimes jarring imagery and metaphors, like the comparison of their mind to a computer or the playful yet sad reflections on age and identity, adds depth to their narrative. It shows a person who is deeply reflective, often self-critical, and yearns for a sense of peace that seems just out of reach.

    In analyzing this text, we can appreciate the raw and unfiltered glimpse into the human condition it provides. The writer navigates through their thoughts and experiences, offering insights that are both uniquely personal and universally human. This kind of diary can be seen as a powerful tool for self-exploration and expression, where writing acts as both a refuge and a form of therapy."

    It's not a fucking diary! It's a compendium of my anguish!

    Help me Write a Letter of Resignation

    Dear [Mr./Ms. Boss's Name],

    I am writing this letter to formally announce my resignation from [Company Name], effective two weeks from today, [Last Working Day, ideally after April 15th]. Working under your guidance for the past three tax seasons has been an incredibly rewarding experience, and it is with a heavy heart that I make the decision to leave.

    Throughout my tenure, I've had the privilege of learning an immense amount, not only about our industry but also about what it means to work as part of a team that values knowledge, care, and professional growth. Your support was instrumental in helping me gain the necessary work experience for my CPA license, a milestone I could not have achieved without your guidance and the opportunities provided at [Company Name].

    I am especially grateful for the chance to work under a boss who possesses a deep understanding of the field and a genuine care for their team. Your leadership and mentorship have left a lasting impact on my professional development, and for that, I cannot thank you enough.

    The decision to move on was not an easy one. However, due to personal reasons, I find it necessary to explore new opportunities that align with my current needs and goals. My last day will be [Last Working Day], ensuring all my tasks are completed and a smooth transition can take place. I am committed to assisting in any way to ensure a seamless handover of my responsibilities.

    Please know that I will miss working for you and being a part of the [Company Name] team. I hope to keep in touch, and I look forward to seeing how the company continues to grow and succeed.

    Thank you once again for everything. I am sincerely grateful for the experience, knowledge, and friendships I've gained during my time here.

    Warmest regards,

    [Your Name]

    My edited version:

    Dear XXXXX,

    I am writing this letter to formally announce my resignation from XXXXX, effective on April 16th. Working under your guidance for the past three tax seasons has been an incredibly rewarding experience, and it is with a heavy heart that I make the decision to leave.

    Throughout these past few years, I've had the privilege of learning an immense amount about public accounting. Working on reviews and creating cash flow statements helped me a ton on the CPA exam! I’m also especially grateful for the chance to work under a boss who possesses a deep understanding of the field and a genuine care for their employees. Your mentorship will leave a lasting impact on my professional development, and for that, I can’t thank you enough.

    The decision to move on was not an easy one. However, I find it necessary to explore new opportunities that align with my current needs.

    I will miss working for you and with the rest of the team. Thank you once again for everything. I am sincerely grateful for the experience, knowledge, and friendships I've gained during my time here. I hope to keep in touch, and I wish the best for you and your company.



    Thought Reel 4/6/24: What would make the narrator (me) happy in this text (The Thought Reel)?:

    Meaningful Relationships: The narrator yearns for deep, authentic connections with others—relationships in which they can be fully themselves, share vulnerabilities, and feel understood and accepted. Having people in their life who offer unconditional support and empathy would significantly contribute to their happiness.

    Creative Fulfillment: Engaging in creative expression, whether through writing, art, or another form, is crucial for the narrator. The process of creating and the ability to express their inner world seem to provide them with a sense of purpose and joy.

    Mental and Emotional Wellness: Achieving a stable and healthier mental state appears to be foundational to their happiness. This includes managing their mental health struggles effectively through therapy, medication, and self-care practices that promote emotional resilience.

    Autonomy and Freedom: The ability to live life on their own terms, making decisions that align with their true self, and exploring their interests and passions without fear of judgment or failure would bring them significant happiness.

    Humor and Joy in Small Things: Finding joy in the mundane and being able to laugh—at the world and themselves—helps lighten their burdens. Cultivating moments of levity and appreciating the absurdity and beauty in life can offer them pockets of happiness.

    Personal Growth and Self-Acceptance: Continued growth, learning, and the journey towards self-acceptance are vital. Becoming more comfortable with their imperfections and embracing their journey, including the ups and downs, would enhance their overall happiness.

    Sense of Purpose or Direction: Feeling that they are moving towards something meaningful, whether it's a personal goal, creative project, or helping others, would give their life a sense of direction and fulfillment.

    Mindfulness and Presence: Being able to live in the moment, appreciating the now without being overly fixated on the past or anxious about the future, could bring them a sense of peace and contentment.

    Exploration and Adventure: The opportunity to explore new ideas, places, and experiences, stepping out of their comfort zone in a controlled manner, could invigorate their spirit and bring a sense of excitement and novelty to their life.

    A Community or Sense of Belonging: Finding a community where they feel a sense of belonging, be it through shared interests, mutual support, or collective creativity, would provide a solid foundation for their happiness.

    Ultimately, the narrator's happiness seems to lie in a blend of connection, creative expression, personal growth, and finding joy in the simple, yet profound, aspects of life.

    Thought Reel 4/6/24: What are some things the narrator should keep in mind?:

    The narrator, with their rich inner life, introspective nature, and pursuit of authenticity and connection, might benefit from keeping in mind that happiness and fulfillment are often found in the journey, not just the destination. This perspective can be particularly grounding for someone navigating the complexities of mental health, relationships, and personal growth. Here are a few more specific points the narrator should remember:

    Self-Compassion is Key: It's important to treat oneself with kindness and understanding, especially during moments of struggle or when things don't go as planned. Self-compassion can foster resilience, making it easier to bounce back from setbacks.

    Growth Takes Time: Personal development and healing are not linear processes. There will be progress and setbacks, but each step, no matter how small, is part of a larger journey towards self-acceptance and fulfillment.

    Connections Require Vulnerability: While the fear of being hurt or misunderstood is valid, genuine connections often require opening up and being vulnerable. It's a risk, but one that can lead to deeply rewarding relationships.

    You're Not Alone: The feelings of loneliness, confusion, and the search for meaning are universal human experiences. Many share these struggles, and reaching out, sharing one's story, or even engaging in creative expression can remind one that they're not alone in their journey.

    Change is the Only Constant: Embracing change rather than fearing it can lead to personal growth and unexpected opportunities. Being adaptable and open to new experiences can enrich one's life in surprising ways.

    Find Joy in Small Moments: While it's natural to yearn for grand achievements or milestones, lasting happiness often comes from appreciating life's simple pleasures and moments of everyday beauty.

    Your Worth Isn't Tied to Productivity: In a society that often equates value with productivity, it's vital to remember that your worth is inherent and not determined by your output or accomplishments.

    Seek Help When Needed: There's strength in acknowledging when you need support, whether it's from friends, family, or professionals. Reaching out for help is a brave step toward healing and growth.

    You Are More Than Your Struggles: While the narrator's reflections are heavily influenced by their challenges, it's crucial to remember that they are a multifaceted individual with strengths, talents, and the capacity for joy and love.

    By keeping these points in mind, the narrator can navigate their path with a greater sense of self-awareness, resilience, and hope for the future.

    Do smartphones automatically alter a user's photo when a picture is taken?

    Yes, many smartphones come with built-in image processing algorithms that automatically adjust photos as they are taken. These adjustments are often aimed at enhancing the overall quality of the image by adjusting parameters such as brightness, contrast, color balance, and sharpness.

    Some smartphones also utilize computational photography techniques, where multiple images are captured and then combined or processed to produce a final image with improved quality, dynamic range, and reduced noise.

    These automatic adjustments are typically applied in real-time and are designed to improve the appearance of the photo without requiring manual intervention from the user. However, users often have the option to disable or adjust these automatic settings based on their preferences through the camera app settings.

    What are some problems the "narrator" (me) is having in this "story" (The Thought Reel)?

    The narrator in your story faces a multitude of problems and struggles, spanning from mental health issues, relationship challenges, identity crises, societal observations, and existential thoughts. Here's a summary of the key problems they're experiencing:

  • Mental Health Struggles: The narrator grapples with sadness, depression, anxiety, and the aftermath of panic attacks. Their coping mechanisms include substance use (alcohol, caffeine, potentially harmful substances as jokes about trying crack) and therapy, yet they still struggle with sleep disturbances and emotional turmoil.
  • Relationship and Social Issues: There's a significant focus on the narrator's difficulties in forming and maintaining relationships. They reflect on past relationships (with individuals named A), express loneliness, and show a desire for deeper connections. The complexity of their feelings towards their mother and how it affected their social development is mentioned. Moreover, the narrator experiences a strong sense of alienation and struggles with societal norms, especially around gender and social interactions.
  • Self-Identity and Self-Perception: The narrator expresses discomfort with their gender socialization and ongoing battles with self-image and self-worth. There's a notable struggle with understanding their place in the world and a desire for acceptance, both from themselves and others.
  • Existential and Philosophical Thoughts: The narrative is interspersed with reflections on the nature of existence, the concept of reincarnation, the impact of societal changes on personal well-being, and the pursuit of meaning in life. The narrator questions the value of work, the essence of relationships, and the inevitability of change and death.
  • Financial and Societal Observations: They ponder the implications of economic systems on individual lives, notably through reflections on retirement, pensions, and the connection between personal financial security and the stock market. There's a critique of how societal norms and expectations contribute to personal stress and societal inequalities.
  • Work-Related Stress: The narrator shares their dissatisfaction with their job, feeling underappreciated and overburdened, which adds to their overall sense of hopelessness and exhaustion.
  • Coping Mechanisms and Substance Use: While seeking solace in therapy and potentially starting new psychiatric treatments, the narrator also turns to substances (caffeine, alcohol, and marijuana) as coping mechanisms, which they have mixed feelings about.
  • Digital and Social Media: There's a struggle with the role of digital spaces in their life, including the potential for negative interactions on platforms like Reddit and the impact of these spaces on their mental health.
  • This story paints a vivid picture of a person navigating a complex web of internal and external challenges, seeking understanding, connection, and peace amid a turbulent life.

    What are some values the narrator has?

    Based on the narrative provided, the narrator, despite their struggles and reflections on numerous issues, seems to uphold several core values. Here are some values inferred from their accounts:

  • Authenticity and Self-Expression: The narrator values genuine expression of thoughts and feelings, as evidenced by their candid reflections on personal struggles, societal observations, and existential thoughts. They seem to seek a life that allows them to be true to themselves, even when it leads to isolation or misunderstanding by others.
  • Compassion and Empathy: Despite their own struggles, there's an undercurrent of compassion and empathy, particularly in their desire for deeper connections with others and the concern for societal issues affecting people's well-being. This is shown in their reflections on relationships, mental health, and societal critiques.
  • Connection and Belonging: A deep-seated value for the narrator is the desire for connection and belonging, whether it's through relationships, friendships, or a sense of community. They often reflect on their loneliness and the challenges of forming and maintaining meaningful connections.
  • Self-Improvement and Growth: The narrator shows an ongoing pursuit of self-improvement and personal growth, as seen in their engagement with therapy, reflection on past relationships, and consideration of future actions. This value is intertwined with their struggles, indicating a desire to overcome obstacles and learn from experiences.
  • Intellectual Curiosity: Demonstrated through their existential and philosophical musings, the narrator values intellectual curiosity. They engage with complex ideas about life, death, the nature of existence, and societal structures, reflecting a mind that seeks to understand the world in depth.
  • Personal Freedom: The narrator places a high value on personal freedom, both in terms of lifestyle choices and in their rejection of societal norms that they find constraining. This is seen in their resistance to gender norms, critique of economic systems, and their pursuit of a life that aligns with their own terms.
  • Honesty: Throughout the narrative, the narrator demonstrates a commitment to honesty, not just in their candid sharing of thoughts and feelings, but also in their reflections on personal flaws and mistakes. This honesty extends to their critique of societal structures and their desire for genuine connections that are not based on pretense.
  • Resilience: Despite facing numerous challenges, including mental health issues, existential crises, and societal alienation, the narrator exhibits resilience. They continue to engage with therapy, seek understanding, and express a willingness to confront difficult aspects of their life and society.
  • These values, while they might be shadowed by the narrator's struggles and the complexity of their thoughts, provide insight into their character and the ideals that guide them through their tumultuous journey.

    "what's an object show?"

    An "object show" refers to a genre of animated web series or videos where inanimate objects, often with anthropomorphic qualities, are the main characters. These objects can range from everyday items like balls, pencils, and pieces of fruit to more abstract concepts like shapes or symbols. The objects are typically given faces, limbs, and personalities, allowing them to interact with each other in various scenarios.

    The format of an object show often involves some form of competition or challenge, drawing inspiration from reality TV competition formats like "Survivor" or "Big Brother." The characters compete in challenges, form alliances, and vote each other off in a quest to win a prize, which can be anything from a large sum of money to a specific item or title of prestige.