The Thought Reel


it is october 6th and i have carpal tunnel. comes with my pro gaming career, (doing data entry with shitty wrist support). im getting a new mouse pad . im getting a new mouse pad. with a cushion

t and i went to a diner and i got apple cinnamon pancakes. i was a bit disappointed because i wanted more cinnamon apple... i dont rly like apples, but i like warm cinnanmon apples, like you'd find as a filling in apple pie.

we then attempted a hike, but the trail was extremely steep. turns out it wasn't the trail we meant to go on--it was a much harder trail. we did what we could. im worried about my heart. maybe paranoid about it. i just feel like something's wrogn with it because it keeps weirdly lurching sometimes instead of beating consistently. i got an ekg last year tho for other reasons, and that came out fine. that measures heart stuff. i think.

more alarmingly is t's knee. he has a bad knee from when he injured it half a decade ago. he did physical therapy (just one session tho smh), but it stills seems to hurt him now. hard for him to hike.

had to twist his arm about going to the physical therapist that one time. tf is it with men

well, i'll make him go again.

*gets distracted watching him cut chicken shirtless*

we talked about ppl's fear of aging on the hike, because i watched THE SUBSTANCE last night. i might write about that movie somewhere else.

i thought the blood at the end of the movie was fun, which is a new development. is now the time to get into slasher films? right at halloween too.


I think if you're trying to quit porn, if you replace your material with women doing something completely ordinary like talking/singing, that's worse than watching porn. And pretty creepy.

Like, what's going to happen if I have to work with you? I ask you a question about tax software, and you pop a boner? Wtf... go back to watching porn idc. Hope you ruin your life with it.

Anyways I don't want to work today but I don't have a choice, weh...

Massive accomplishment everyone: I'm on top of everything at work. I don't have to do a DAMN thing tomorrow! Fuck Yeah!

I'm kinda tired of people only talking to me because they feel bad for not talking to me. They feel bad because I'm nice to them and buy them stuff. It would be nice if people talked to me because they want to, and not out of guilt.

Big leap in attitude from when I was a kid. I think that's how F felt about me, looking back on it.


Hi. I don't think I'm doing too hot. But the good news is, because of my upbringing, I have the super power to suppress intense feelings of anxiety automatically, and subconsciously. So I only feel, maybe, a little off, if I sit down and pay attention to my body. But mostly pretty good.

Notice how the anxiety is suppressed, not gone. It's still affecting me. How do I know I'm anxious if I largely feel pretty good?

The only sure sign that I know of is that I'm not eating. I have to force myself to eat. I just don't feel hungry at all, but logically, I know I need food, so I force eating. (I'm contemplating moving away from dieting and eating like a king with take out, just to make sure I eat.)

I only know this as a sure sign that I'm anxious because when I wasn't taking any medication, I didn't realize I was feeling like this all the time. As soon as I started Prozac I started feeling less anxious around people, and my appetite returned. (I didn't realize it was gone.)

Other signs, in theory...

I keep having dreams about work, and my teeth breaking.

Lately it's been hard to think about anything else other than work. When work is over, when I'm too tired to work, all I want to do is sit in bed or sleep, waiting for the next day so I can do work again. It's strange. I feel like shrinking into a ball and not moving, frozen, waiting.

I have to consciously watch myself for these signs, and the temptation is to brush them off when I realize they're happening. If I realize they're happening. I only became self-aware of my anxiety in college, because I started getting panic attacks. There's the question of if my anxiety started in college, or if I've been dealing with it since my childhood. I knew very little about mental health for a long time. I didn't know what a panic attack was, what anxiety was, I didn't have the words to explain these feelings. But I do remember feeling afraid in middle school, chronically unable to sleep at night.

Anxiety is hard to deal with because it sneaks up on me. Depression is an old friend that I know inside and out. But not dealing with anxiety results in sudden panic attacks and me snapping at people. I think. As well as all the other things I said earlier.

It's work doing this to me. Despite the returns almost being complete and simple, I'm nervous about the position I've been put in on these returns. I've never had to communicate with clients before, or be the person responsible for knowing them inside and out. And I am totally, completely, winging it, with zero training.

I must go.

nothing to do but to wait for clients to send me their documents

a brief reprieve

(I hear the emails pouring in already. they can't make me go back there yet.)

fellas it's fall asleep friday where u fall asleep waiting for a call for answer to a question on a client you haven't worked on at all but still somehow responsible for. anything could happen with this guy. is he just telling us now that he sold his house? because what about that schedule D. i blame my predecessor if he sold a house and she didn't catch it.

even though i guess it doesnt matter because the gain is under 500k. maybe. iguess.

idk how i ended up here, or like, why im here. but if i think about it too hard, i'll have an existential crisis and get fired like last time.

still waiting. i don't feel like opening up the other return ive been working on because i just closed and opened everything 3 times in preparation for this call. im not doing it again. but that does mean i have to sit here slightly hungry and unable to move. idk, am i feeling less anxious?

whomp da domp dee domp. i want throw myself at a truck.

all the staff are offline. hm. they have a nice life. no cpa, can log on for 6 hrs a day and go offline whenever. paid less, sure. jobs threatened by outsourcing overseas, sure. but the lack of responsibility for a decent amount of pay must be nice.

id start talking about my managers, but as the plural indicates there's multiple of them. technically i could have an infinite amount of mnagers. isn't that something

nah, screw her, im going offline.


work computer froze

i don't really like being held liable for millions of dollars


Blew up at T this morning.

I know I'm a jackass for it, but I don't like financial risk much at all. It's part of why I chose this job. And T wants to start a business, or shoot off into a new branch of another company, and I'm sick and tired. He needs to get a fucking. Degree. In Engineering. Why the FUCK is he not getting excited about this and thinking about that. God fucking damn. He needs some fucking PAPER so he can have JOB SECURITY.

Yeah I know, I'm not a "follow your dreams" type. I'm very cynical about the world. Also I don't really have a "dream", it's all been just survival for me. I can't really empathize with him getting excited over whatever business idea he has.

I mean, maybe some day, he can start a business, sure. But can we, maybe, just fucking chill a bit?

I'm not twisting his arm into college. He says he wants to go. God I hope that's fucking true, because why do I have to prod him all the god damn time.

I need to calm the fuck down. I feel like an icy hand is gripping my heart. My body wants to curl up in a ball. Anxiety, fear. Why? Why over this?

Just calm down.


I'd be a terrible Mom. I just can't consider fanciful ideas anymore. If my kid started talking about becoming an astronaut I'd start talking about the repeated cuts to government funding for NASA and how close to impossible it is to get a job like that.

Can someone just kill me with a sledgehammer to the head?

Nothing like work completely resetting your emotional state so you feel okay again. :3


I am.... bleh.... weird anxiety in my chest. Didn't sleep well. These returns seem to go on forever idk.

Wish I didn't have to wear a bra @ wfh. It's strangling me. Maybe I just need to get a real thin one that at least covers my nipples.

I put dry shampoo in my hair today, because it took forever to wake up and I wanted to go easy on myself with looks today. This is the first time I've used dry shampoo on my bob, and let me tell you: it looks funny. My hair has become very moldable, I could probably point it up into a semi-mohawk. But it tend to stick out in an upside-down trapizoid shape 5 inches away from my heard. Quite wild. I seriously need new hairspray to prevent this with dry shampoo, or maybe get a different brand. I got an extra volume one and I really don't think I need it anymore.

T's getting a bachelor party because he actually has friends who want him to have one. I don't have friends so I don't get to have one. Which is depressing.

I don't know if I would feel lonelier not having a bachelorette party at all, or if I ironically threw a bachelorette party-of-one.

I think I will feel lonely either way.


I wanna write more, about how I'm not going to let loneliness be a deciding factor as to whether I should have a celebration of some sorts. Because I have ideas for a celebration, I guess. But I feel really sad. And it's draining to write.


I must clean the pigeon shit today. There's no other option. It smells terrible. Idk when I last cleaned the cage. I can't keep living like this.

They make me wanna puke sometimes, but I love them.

(I think T's losing a bit of his physique from his prior job, now that this one has less heavy labor. So long, my days of sleeping with a male model. Pretty bizarre how that was a thing that happened in my life anyways.

When I met T, he was skin and bone. He was underweight for pushing himself too hard at work, and not eating because of stress. We started dating, and I've never seen him that underweight ever since. Without really thinking about it he started putting on bulk again. And then this past job, with all the heavy lifting, started uh... sculpting him... wew...

I hope T doesn't get self-conscious about getting a bit less built, yanno? Sometimes he can get self-conscious about these things, but we're all aging. (Besides, no matter what happens, the dick will always be top notch.))

So the workload at work is uh...


I'm a bit nervous because I'm getting these seemingly easy projects, but then I look at all the stuff that still needs to be entered and it's insane.

Also there was the trust I started yesterday, and apparently it was due today and I had no idea. laugh crying emoji I got it done, but if I didn't start it yesterday, like I was tempted to do, I'd be totally fucked right now. :D So lets give a round of applause to past me for working on the weekend.

I'm not going to have a life for the next two weeks.

But you know what? It's fine. I'm finally being challenged now, and I'm enjoying the heat... I think. Idk how long that sentiment is going to last.

Expect boring entries about work in the near future. Sorry guys.

i want a little treat


good morning

i can't wake up today

kinda sick of drinking coffee all the time

tired of working

i crave cheese and cholocate rrrr

it's a new *CLAP* page *CLAP*

I'm doing that thing again where I'm trying to stay awake in order to delay starting the next day.

... Oh, Brewster is so mad that I turned off the light. And Peeko is so stinky...

I'm nervous about this coming week, and the tax deadline. I actually worked a bit today because it's expected of you in these times. Probably should've worked more though instead of making pages on this site. BUT. I'm new so how was eye supposed to kknow eh? :^)

I was hoping to get all the K-1 entry and client emailing done today, but one entity is a disaster. It's getting a dozen new K-1s, which, a dozen new K-1s are fine if they're simple. But these are from investments spitting out state K-1s in twenty different directions. I don't want to look bad and pass this on to a higher up but I don't have a choice. I did what I could on it. All my box 20 information is rusty. I don't want to sit on it and try and figure it all out only to get yelled at for spending too much time on it.


I seriously don't think my other tasks are like this though. I don't think they knew this one would be a motherfucker when they gave it to me.

Hell, one return is just a W-2. Why do we KEEP these clients when we're understaffed?!?!?!

I've only been at this job for 5 minutes, but listen: the fact that I'm working directly with the partner means it's understaffed. Lmao.


I told T that I'm getting worse with spamming A. It's true. Why did I tell him now? I guess there's two reasons:

  1. Jealousy. A's going after someone else right now. I shouldn't feel jealous, and really, most of me is not. A small part of me is. Or maybe I just fear becoming jealous? I can't tell. But if I'm drunk or high, I think my inebriation will enable any feelings I'm not supposed to feel, as well as bad behavior. I guess I'm afraid of becoming a lot worse.
  2. I've been watching true crime about Jeffery Dahmer, to get along with people at work. (I guess it's normal to do this a little bit, and also I like true crime.) And shit man, he feels a lot of what I feel. He has a lot of other things wrong with him, but I'm pretty sure he and I share a few mental disorders. Not getting along with people, and freaking out when they leave. ... I don't kill people. But I've done things most people wouldn't do because I don't like people leaving. That I can get into legal trouble for if charges are pressed.

So I told T about it. A's kind of like my virtual punching bag, though sometimes I want to mend things. It's a fucking mess, how I feel about him. Part of what draws me back is working on forming a conclusion on how I feel about him. I have to stop doing this. I asked T if he could help me...

I'm going to start doing less weed, and only do it around T. I'm gonna give him my laptop and phone when I do, so I don't feel tempted to look at A's profile online. The spamming usually happens when I'm inebirated, because it numbs out my shame and sense of right and wrong. I feel like I can get away with anything, and that I don't have to worry about anything, and that nothing matters. Gives me hits of dopamine, fucking with him. So T holds onto the weed, and once I give him my laptop and phone I can have one.

I told him too that he should stop me when he sees me doing it too.

I walked up a giant mountain today with him, when I told him all of this. My physical strength has drastically improved, even though my weight hasn't. It was easier than I expected!

...I hope I become better.


I'm staying an hour later at work today. Might as well work late and skip traffic, considering the shit that fell into my lap. I can't believe this is happening to me. I think the guy who hired me is surprised as well, because he wasn't told. I seriously hope no one blames me if I do a bad job. This is a hard hand I've been dealt.

I feel like crying.

No one's going to help me.

I can't think like this. Crying is going to burn my energy and give me a headache, ruminating on all of this is going to make me depressed instead of getting things done. And I really shouldn't blame myself for whatever happens, because I've had no training and I'm only given two weeks to complete this. It's absurd.

I really hope the partner I'm talking to today isn't a dick.

Partner's a dick.

He stood up our meeting and then rescheduled. But I hardly understood what he was saying about his clients. It was a terrible time.

Also why is the partner working with me instead of middle management? I don't wanna talk to the fucking partner god damn.

I'm dead tired.

Tbh all I did was send emails all day. Asking for documents. I will say the returns look really easy. Did I already say that? Idk. The returns look easy, the hard part is figuring out how to write an email. Wtf am I supposed to say. "bitch get your documents in". Spent most of the day figuring out the phrasing of emails. I gotta come up with a template. Or Chatgpt will for me.

Fuck writing business emails. I will generate them. Besides, people want me to get shit done fast, right?


WFH today, nothing to do. I was going to go into the office today, but I stayed up late binging Netflix true crime. I woke up 30 minutes before work, so I just threw something on and sat down in front of the computer. I don't think they really care whether I actually make it into the office twice a week, but they might, so I've been doing that.

I need to make several webpages on this site still, I know. I need a quick and dirty one of shows I've watched, small summaries. To jog my memory, so I have more to say in conversations.

Uh, holy fuck, I was put on as a tax manager for a client. I'm senior staff?????!?!?!?!?!!?!? And apparently the partner says this is correct??!?!?!?!?!?!?! WTF I'M TERRIFIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF DOES THIS MEAN????????????????????

I'm crying, I'm not going to sleep tonight. I'm going to die. Fuck. WHY?! I'VE BEEN HERE FOR 3 WEEKS. IS ANYONE GOING TO TELL ME WHAT THE HELL A TAX MANAGER IS SUPPOSED TO DO?!?!?!?!?!? Do I have to talk to clients? Because that's terrifying. why wtf. I have zero training for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lonely night. Night alone. Am I good enough. No, I'll never will be.
toe sucking for the dick sucking
floating on sky blue paint. the water and the sky are the same.

nah, not even eating a bunch of bullshit and getting high can make me feel any better.

i shouldn't even feel bad, nothing matters. even if i get yelled at or fired. it will not matter. this life is a slog. there's suffering every day, and all you can control is the type.


yep, i went into work again and i have nothing to do. got all the assignments done and ppl are too busy to give me more work. or maybe there's no easy 1040s available for me to do, which is what they had me on.

im not anxious anymore thankfully. i can think with a clear head again. this shit so far is easy.

despite being bored, the upside of all of this is i get an excuse to wear pretty dresses and makeup during the week, when i go to the office.

… shit. is P ok? should i nudge him? (he’d probably think im being silly and hyper-femme, which i am)

Nah, it hasn't been a month yet since I last messaged, Imma wait…
by this burger place with an outdoor eating area for dogs.

Yeah I just kinda left work to walk around a bit. Ass hurts from sitting. No one's contacted me. Idk why someone would bring their dog to this area for burgers, but I’m sure the dog appreciates it.

This area is a bit weird. Nice, but there's something kinda weird about the nearby shops and I don't really know why. You have the outdoor eating area for dogs. You have the window store. You have the frame store. I think the window and frame stores are weird because they're seperated. I feel like the windows guy and the frames guy should team up and open a window frame store. And they can be brothers. They have kids and start a long lineage of window framers. Eventually "Frame" becomes a last name for people, and it's in those baby name books that says Frame's been a name for thousands of years. And the original frames brothers are laughing in the sky knowing their blood will take the earth.

There's also this golf simulator store. Which sounds gayer than actual golfing.

I think this area says, "we were supposed to be a yuppie hip area but we failed, and have half our leaseable storefronts are empty, and we have window and frames stores and maybe next we'll open a rolling pin store."

I'm searching for a path to Target. Behind the weird outlet is a massive Target and CVS Pharmacy. Unfortunately, the shortest distance to Target involves crossing through a small woods, which I shouldn't do in work clothes, but it's tempting. Very tempting to cross the forbidden woods into the smoke break area behind the Target...

There's also a sidewalk, but it would be a longer route.

Well, I only wanted to be out here for 30 min.

Ah the one fucking time I leave, my boss calls. Maybe he called by accident because he hasn't replied to me asking him about that. (He never replied)

The only interesting thing about the rest of the work day was I asked C and IT guy what their favorite pizza toppings are. C seems like a really nice person that actually thinks about things. I'm happy to know her. :) And I just like scaring IT guy. I mean, idk if he really cares. I'm trying to take advantage of the fact that we're in different departments; I think I can afford to be more unfiltered with people in different departments and it not backfiring. We'll see though.

C likes veggie and IT guy likes meat lovers. Sun and Moon energies.


I don't know why I'm terrified of getting reviewed by my boss. The anxiety is horrible. I keep feeling like I'm going to puke. I keep thinking I'm about to get fired. I want to cry. It's 20 minutes before work.

I can't... I can't get like this. I know my first job out of college, I got fired from. I guess, even now, that still fucks with me. Even after all the work I've done. I thought I'd be immune from the fear that I'm not good enough. That I'm going to fall on my ass again and ruin my life.

They're fucking K-1s, the easiest fucking thing in the world. He's probably only going to yell at me about the stamps and that's it. Because fuck Adobe. I think I did everything else right.

Hi, A, again.

I always turn to the two of them when I want to escape this self-doubt. Escaping the real world. Even though it's painful, at least the memories of them are not in the present anymore.

Today's my Dad's birthday.

Okay so I did good on the K-1s lmao. What I didn't realize though is I didn't get hired at an accounting firm, but for Boss Jumpscare Incorporated. If you send a message to anyone in this company at all they WILL video call you a few minutes later with no warning. There's no, "hey, can I call you?" No. 0 warning. No time to emotionally prepare yourself for speaking to another person. Get fucked by words, bitch.

And my boss will just be like: fuck you I'm calling right now even if you didn't contact me at all that day. Pray you're not pissing.

It's so crazy. Extroverted ass company. And there's people here who will video call you in what can be answered in a message. Monsterous behavior.

It's scary for my social anxiety but we make do.

The only real concern is I let my pigeons out and I'm afraid Brewster is going to start cooing, because he does so every time he hears my voice. So far no one has complained about the cooing, but it's hard for me to hear other people. So I need to get noise cancelling headphones just for the work computer.

My Dad forgot it was his birthday today.

I think my boss is happy with me? I'm getting the work done faster than he expected. He actually told me to slow down. But there was a small smile I think.

Have to drive in tomorrow so it's time for weed. To hopefully make me more sociable idk.

fucking strange how we all have rooms now. i had this feeling come over me, a realization, i actually have all the stuff in this room. i worked for a lot, got a lot, and it's all in this room with me.

like, i own a lot of shit

and it's not something stupid that my mom put in my room. it's a thing i actually thought was cool, what i actually wanted? all this stuff is cool to me now, and my surroundings aren't something im obligated to put with. or "make do" with. no, i own the things here, and i can feel safe and happy.

what happened to me?

what the hell happened to me?

i once was so afraid.

why does it feel like i've known this fear my whole liffe? there isn't a time when i learned about the fear. it's something i don't remember learning, it just came with me, with my awarencess, my sconsciousness.

why have i known about this feeling from such a young age? who or what built this on me? who sewed it into my body?

desspite owning everythingin this room, it sucks i can't be high like this all the time. i think ive just been sitting here covered in my own cum for the past hour, elated, sobbing.

go back to a normal life, do the work to maintain this. to visit this when you can with happy little pills and grass.

getting high at a metal concert was one of the best nights of my life. thinking about getting high. to be awashed with music, floating along.

yeah, i have to go back to the real world.

dancing high and pantsless to doom metal.

I'm sorry, I. I'm sorry my Mom made me do those things to you. I remembered your family having dinner together, and how much you and your sibilings talked. And your Mom and Dad talking so much. And it was so strange to me, because at my dinner table, only my parents talked, and the rest of us were expected to be silent. It's been that way as far as I can remember.


i don't wanna work today

where did my hair cutting scissors go, for my bangs...

I think if I just start watching true crime again, I'd get along with 90% of people at work. Especially if I get a Netflix subscription and watch true crime on there. So I'm just gonna do that.

also i embarrassed myself in front of IT guy because I sent in a ticket, and the problem was I forgot my software needed dual-authentication. And then when I was trying to sign in we were sharing my screen, he watched me fuck up my password 5 times.

Boss: Hi

Me: Hi

Boss: I need you to stay after 5 today.

Me: Mkay

Boss: I need you to enter 10 K-1s. I will give you 2 of them now. Tell me when you're done.

Me: Mkay

*Does K-1s*

Me: Okay I'm done the 2 K-1s. Send me more.

*Boss = Idle*

Me: ... Boss? Boss?

I'm giving him an hour to come back online or I'm logging off.


I feel better today. Damn. I hate my brain.

I'm not listening to the evil thoughts and I'm buying some new slacks for work today. I also need to buy shoes, which means I'll be forced to leave this apartment unfortunately. Meh...

The weight watchers app is dogshit and breaks all the time. How is a big corporation like weight watchers able to get away with this? Well, I just need the recipies. Maybe I'll just cancel my subscription. T and I have figured out it's just making me do a keto diet, anyways.

I should exercise today as well since I have the motivation.

Okay but what about actual fun? Shouldn't I have actual fun? God damn. Go play Deadlock! Stop grinding!

I would also like to congradulate myself for encountering a sexy man on Reddit and not engaging with him. There is something about mean men that turns me on. I like fiery, opinionated men, especially ones that are funny. Even if their opinions aren't politically correct at all, and completely against my values.

Unfortunately this is what I'm attracted to.

So yanno, congrats to me for not speaking to him and only replying to one of his comments like a normal person. Congrats on acknowledging people are hot, and letting them go.

utter failure at buying clothes today. the website (Lane Bryant) refuses to take and of the cards I have including T's, so I've given up on it. which is a shame because their clothes are really comfortable and look nice. I went to the mall briefly and I didn't like any of the shoes there... and they were all $100. Awful.

Exercised today, so I have a lot of energy. But I'm not sure what to do. I already played Deadlock, and I'm getting bored of it. T is very sick so he's resting.

Guess I'm just gonna sit here, getting high.

I want this so bad. It's $150 though and the shop closed. Damn it.

looking at necklaces. necklases


da wahmen


oooooohhhhhh this thing is chopping up my fockin ears. love it. love it love it love it

rahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :3q


< :3p


hopefully that turns out well.

need sweet item O-O

omg hey cashier! hey! omg im sooooo sorry ToT

(me n IT guy <3)

(all i know about him is his profile picture. and he has fun filling IT tickets)

man it's kinda nice not nowing anything about someone. you can think things about them and there's no consequence.

i can just head cannon about IT guy in my head and never get to know him. and he can be a completely made up guy with a physical body for some reason.... omg. this is like. how people feel when the see someone they never met before and get horny. is this what goes on in their heads? huehuehue the bastards........ (whats going on is two people having a conversation)

maybe i should just make up people as my friends. we got IT guy. one.


"sailing on a glitched sea
i wonder
i wonder about you
and all you do
are you from the moon?
tell me things that are new"

"living as children
living their lives
my prescence in their breath
my voice in their lives
all women
the round torture
plague of god
we are
we are

gun to head, pretty cry
god's angels fell because they weren't good enough
i know my place
i know
live in me, come in side

it's a lake"

"what is ahead
sun orange pink skies
a wooden boat
straw sandals in the heat of noon
ocean spray
the excitement of children
sea gulls high
we losing ourselves
we're losing ourselves
there's nothing we can do"

"the boat skips ahead
and im pulled into the horizon
clouds zoom
a storm of cotton candy
sprinkles, chocolate pies"


There's nothing to do but wait
For a better time
get comfortable
look, Lad can play the drums
it won't be bad


small bug
what are you doing?


the scare of responsibility
you're getting fucked
in the ass
and there's nothing you can do

hear the bells screaming
the ones in your pockets
you open it

it's your boss.

feeling okay?

big man wide tux face is a pyramid
and you're not okay
your ass is up
your face in the sand
the sea fills your mouth
you will never be okay after This
the sun glares

you dissapate




you're lost, it's the dead of night

the swamp a deep blue
blue paint pours out of your ears

you're doing This
no one's ever okay after This
a whirlpool in your mouth
and im in there laughing
you're filled with a thick, evil paint and you ruin everything you touch
no one's ever going to forgive you
and i don't feel sorry for you

get out of here dog


get over it

ultravisitor best

this might just be the best album I've ever heard.


"ah i see we're doing this again"

calming down,hm?

if they leagalize shrooms in Mass im going to become so annoying

yanno, maybe if they legalized shrooms and we could all do a level 5 ego death if we want to, maybe things would get better. maybe a lot of problems would be fixed.


what if i just ended everything thing i said on a higher inflextion of my voice.

i think it's time to let it go. it's 9 pm. uh. usually my bedtime now. time to go to bed, unfortunately. .


new song on the front paggggggggggeeeeeeee

oh shit it's the first day of fall

i took my pigeons out of the cage and for some reason they decided to hang out on the ground in the kitchen. unusual, but good for them.

what to do today.

X is slow to get back to me. He's popular with his own friend group so that's probably why. P and I haven't had a real conversation in 2 months and im a bit worried about him. I can't get Tf to open up through text, so I'll have to invite her somewhere, some time. Don't know when. Reddit girl idk. Hard to make conversation, tired of prompting her. People at work--decided to wait after the tax deadline to make small talk. T is out today with coworkers and is also fixing an emergency oil spill at the factory he works at. A is A. F is F.

there's a lot of hobbies i could get into today... I should just do what I want, even though I'm feeling obligated to finish the current bookbug book. I actually do really enjoy it, I just have a hard time getting myself motivated to read it. I'm lacking motivation for a lot of things right now. Like I said in another post, lamotrigine had a good run but I think we're nearing the end of it.

I definitely don't feel like thinking today. And I haven't been in the mood for self-improvement for a while... maybe it's the winter weather? I tend to do something insane every year in December/January. 2 years ago it was a suicide attempt.

I should probably exercise. That'll keep my energy up, but I have the birds out right now, so I should figure out something to do out here with them. Meh...

my depression is hitting hard today. i don't feel like doing anything except ruminating over the past. i managed to clean the kitchen for T tomorrow though. (T is also having a terrible day with the oil spill. Apparently it was the worst the company's had, and he was the last guy who worked on the machine, so it might be his fault. I hope they're not being too hard on him...)

otherwise, ive just been listening to doom/sludge metal. deeply stretching too so my back and body hurt less.

im managing to do a few things, yeah, but I still feel like shit... here's some of the things i keep ruminating on and reliving in my head:

i took a nap and now i feel better. like always.


I uhhhhhhhhhhh... left my laptop charger at work. Fuck. So it's mostly fully powered, I think. (I don't really trust the battery life meter on this thing.) But I'm running it on the lowest power and putting it to sleep/waking it up in 15 min increments to conserve power. I just bought a second charger on Amazon for monday, it'll come in tomorrow and hopefully it will work. If not I'll have to go in Monday.

And God what if I REALLY lost it? shit.

im so disorganized. Idk why i work this job.

so it's three pm, 2 hours before work ends. my snooze/wake cycle for the laptop worked, and i think i can get away with today without no one noticing i left my charger at work. i still have no work yet and its been two weeks, lmao...

easiest jerb ever if only my anxiety wasn't waiting for the drop

im listening to ultravisitor by squarepusher and it has many dimensions. one song in particular sounds like breakcore drum patterns, but this was made in 2004. this must've been an influence on the breakcore sound id imagine.

some of the rap of the time, you can hear its influence in this too.

peeko is a machine that turns seed into shit while look as cute as possible

i feel bored tonight. a bit lonely. i don't have much to say today, really. my life is pretty boring. kind of just waiting for this day to end so tomorrow can begin. i feel hungry, but i don't wanna gain weight, so im not eating.

ah, i didn't take the meds today... that's probably why im feeling like this. fuck.

getting used to having a job again is hard. i keep forgetting the meds because im trying to wake up my brain and get ready to go to work.


im so tired lol.
my legs have hurt all day for absolutely no reason at all. all i can think of is i did that thing again where i sleep with my legs in the air. it's a very strange thing i do when im dead asleep sometimes. i lift my legs up in the air and cross them... indian style? man that sounds racist. were we all really told in 1sst grade to sit on the ground to "cross our legs indian style" fr? like the meditative position? we just called it indian style? lmao
anyways sometimes i lift my legs up in the air and do that in my sleep idk why. but it's probably why my legs hurt.
i went in the office today. i have no office shoes. the ones i had don't fit me anymore because they're so warped from use. my makeup was too dark for my outfit. the flats i wore were too dressy for my dress. i didn't wear socks with the flats i wore so i got blisters. my appearance was disasterous today.
but it's just work
i met my boss finally and he's into podcasts and music so that's a win in my book. seems chill
whole place seems chill
too chill?
im still worried im gonna get fired from this place for doing a shit job. it's scary to just be waiting to do my first return. i need to prove to myself that i can do this job by doing a return, but i can't DO that until one is assigned to me. fuck
so ive been looking at prior year workpapers and looking at what other people did, and trying to follow along. so far, ive been able to for the most part, so i think i will be okay. still, im so scared of making an embarrassing noob mistake and everyone hating me forever. :(
but shit im noticing bad typos on things. like really stupid errors, and no one caught them? i guess? that or im stupid. but i dont think im stupid... this time...
G had such a clean process; that doesn't exist here, it seems. G's process made errors easy to spot.
his returns were smaller tho. maybe
we'll see. i still have to keep going through the prior year papers.
i kinda hope no one assigns me anything tomorrow actually, so i can have more time doing this...

im tired though. i want a life again. i want the weekend. i want to reconnect with my interests, and start working towards some personal goal that isn't boring like weight loss. dieting and maintaining physical health is very boring and takes a lot of damn time.


i don't wanna drink a third coffee today, c'mon man...

bad news, we psychologically hurted ourselves

ppl at this job saying shit like "imperative," "i cannot stress the importance enough," and "high producer"

i was assigned something by mistake, but it was definitely something i could've done after poking through it a bit. confidence-building moment!

i have to go in again tomorrow and it sucks... wait i got money today


yaaaaaaaaaay bank account not hemorraging aanymore

u didnt think id forget u guys?

i'll never forget u....


I haven't checked A's profile since Saturday, which is a good thing. I really fell off the past month or so on that, checking nearly every day. I feel happier, but I still have the urge. I'm still attracted to him. I fantasize about him a lot... wondering what he feels like, how he smells... what would've happened if we had let ourselves fall into passion.

Something dark and twisted about it all, and hard to forget. Something freeing as well, letting myself finally break at the seams that hold my composure and restraint together. My damn morality. It always wins. I can't explain the hold it has over me. There's something that guides me, some sort of voice or higher self, maybe? When it speaks, I follow. There is no choice.

Maybe fate and destiny are real, maybe God is real.

Maybe it's only real for some people though. It's real to me. I just don't know if it's God.

I feel like a path is laid out before me that I can't diverge from, anyways. I know where I'm walking, the trouble right now is, figuring out how to pass the time as I walk.

Once again, I repeat: I really need to study Buddhism more. I think that speaks to me the most. Maybe it's time for that again. I just need to find a Sangha, a community, to worship with. Because I need direction from the monks.

board @ work

who else up bored out of their minds trying to not psychologically hurt themselves for a thrill

should i make a guestbook? hmmm

there's ppl on this site i wanna talk to, but my emotions are intense, and im loud. i used to be very quiet because i was scared of others, but i can't stand being like that anymore. i go through life unafraid of anyone.

this is no surprise to anyone reading this. a big reason why i keep updating this so frequently is because i don't want to bother people with the constant bullshit in my head that needs to be expressed. i often overwhelm people.

i wish people could pour their hearts into me, because i can take it. maybe.

maybe not.

i used to be able to, but maybe not any longer. i don't know. have i become too angry, or am i finally recovering from that because of what happened in January? i don't know.

i should really eat, but i don't feel like it. it feels like a pain in the ass, setting aside time to sit down and eat. T wouldn't be happy if i didn't eat though, and there's already been a couple times this week where I felt dizzy from not eating.

i messaged the IT guy at work today, and asked him what he does for fun. he said he answers IT tickets. i pressed on the subject, and he stopped replying.

i will try him again next week

X and i talked a bit today though, mostly about work. i guess we need to find something else to do though, cuz that's gonna get boring quick. maybe we're both being boring as hell because we're just happy to have someone to talk to. im gonna ask him if he knows anything about mahjong

that was basically my day today. not much to do at work still.


okay so, hi.

people are rich as FUCKING SHIT at my job. one girl is living out of her parent's vacation home. another does rowing, which idk it gives off an aquatic golfing vibe to me. my manager graduated from Bentley. it's so bizarre.

i actually like the rower girl most so far, so i don't really mean to be mean to her. i felt a good vibe between us when we talked. like she knows how to carry a conversation, which is kinda what i need in my life rn.

it's just a culture shock i suppose. im just fucking from a middle class family. idk, maybe these people are just the exception and people aren't generally coming from rich parents.

I do judge ppl pretty hard at first, when i meet them. It's a bit of my Mom in me, plus hypervigilence from getting bullied growing up. And I'm doing that now, I know. To me: just don't listen to it.

if i could get into rowing, i'd burn so much fat omg. it'd be so fucking hard tho. but there's water, and trees....

someone from the discord server got back to me, and we're talking. call him X. (not sure what im gonna do when I run out of letters to call ppl)

with all the reaching out im doing, somebody's gotta click with me, right?


yesterday was not my best

idk though, i still might end up using that app when i feel really bad

The rando on reddit was a porn account. got the unsolicited dick pic after 5 sentences of conversation. i think he was an actual, desperate dude, because he deleted the picture after i called it sad

a bot wouldn't care about a dick pic


the car's on fire, and there's no driver at the wheel
and the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides
and a dark wind blows

the government is corrupt
and we're on so many drugs
with the radio on and the curtains drawn

we're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine
and the machine is bleeding to death

I'm reaching out to people from the discord server I left a year and a half ago. I don't think any of them were told what happened between me and C. I guess C doesn't hate me, but I will always feel guilty for how I handled that. I can't show my face to him.

I'm not sure if I ever wrote about what happened between him and I here--I might've--but I don't think I should. It would upset him. In fact, I'm going to try to find the story and erase it.

I promise you this: whatever you suspect happened, it's far, far, from what you think.

Anyways, I'm reaching out to other people from the server. Hopefully I hear back. You know how it goes.

yeah ive definitely been more depressed lately. i keep laying around for hours, sunk in bed. lamotrigine had a good run, but maybe we're nearing the end.

imagine being a popular youtuber with a friend group. like, it just seems fake. maybe friends don't actually exist, and so i don't have to feel bad about not having them.

lonely-ass world.

I talked to chatgpt about some of this. I haven't really used it in a while. It's getting a bit scary, how much it can mimic human tone through text. the people in charge of it are clearly moving away from using it for business, and trying to develop it for companionship.

i feel like i have a crosshair on my head. im the prime target for these people.

T and I played a lot of Warframe today, when I wasn't moping in bed. I tried to not mope in bed all day. Progress is slow in that game, and I'm feeling a little bored of it because it's very samey. There's a lot of grinding for materials. Idk though, maybe tonight was just a bad night. We failed a lot of bounties, which is disheartening. The game's version of "protect the escort" are for some reason extremely hard on Venus, and the escort keeps dying. Meh... T's defenses seem to be not great as well, he keeps dying.

ive been overdue for Chatgpt's analysis of this thing, right? Right.


i think the reels have gotten so long, i can't get a decent answer out of the AI anymore. i would have to break this thing into a million chunks, and ask it to analyze each one seperately. i just don't feel like doing that.

no messages from anyone yet. i see people online, but, there is nothing.



I went for a morning walk with T in the woods. We sat by a river for a while. It's a good trail! Great for my fat ass, real easy.

Rando contacted me on Reddit last night, not much has been said yet. Doesn't seem like a porn account, yet. Can't see the post history. Hopefully that goes well.

I'm thinking of doing that paid-to-play-videogames-with-you service this weekend. I kinda don't want to do it, it's embarrassing and sad. I think I just need to rip the bandaid off and do it. I don't know if I'm that unlikeable, or if society is fucked. I mean, plenty of people hate me. So maybe I really do just suck.

yeah i finally did it. i paid someone to talk to me. it kinda sucked because he couldnt engrish. i think he was surprised getting a woman paying for the service. (surprised meaning… you know what i mean) he was constantly asking about me too, and fuck man. i already write in this. i want something new to write about, i was hoping he’d say something about himself.

it sucked but im willing to try it again. find someone whose bio is written well so i know they can text. i guess the most popular service is voice chat + videogame, but id rather get a feel for people through text first.

ah… what if this site is just a bunch of scammers wanting my money.

can't tell if i feel lonelier before or after doing this. i think im judging myself over this too much. it’s been really hard finding people. it’s been hard for me to get along with people my entire life. and as an adult, and it seems hard for people to socialize even if they were popular as a kid. and people go insane over feeling loneliness. i sure did. my mom did. plenty of people have and won't admit it. people hurt people because of it. im hurting because of it. i hurt myself because of it. something has to be done, and money's what i have.

here's the other thing too: yes i know it's easy to get ppl to talk to me online. i could just throw on a female gender marker and my cleavage and wa-la. im tired of ppl only talking to me for that though. i feel like if im paying ppl they'll behave more. idk.

nah man. the more i sit on it–i just can't. even though logically it makes sense, the connotations are degrading.

yet, it feels like what i deserve. i can't keep stalking/harassing people. no normal solution has worked. i don't feel like ive paid for what ive done.

i have to do something about this. i just need to get over feeling shit about myself for doing this.

i wish i could help more people. i have this special ability where I can pick up the phone and start calling people about insurance and finance and other things like that, and i could easily do it on another person's behalf. and there's ways legally where you can do it on another person's behalf. but that would require people trusting me with sensitive information and, understandably, people aren't really keen of doing that online. the people who do things like this are usually lawyers, but you have to have a lot of money to afford them. i'd charge like, twenty bucks a call or something. can't give you advice on what you should do, but i can place the call for you and figure out what you need to do to get what you want.

social workers do this too, for the people who really need it and can't afford it. maybe i should get into that in my free time.


Had the rape nightmare wake me in the middle of the night again. I forget what's said to me when I'm getting bullied at the beginning, but I'm sitting at those brown tables in school cafeterias. The lights are dark, and we're supposed to be watching a movie on a projector, but this guy taps on my shoulder and making fun of me.

And I feel scared, frozen, unable to say anything. Can't look him in the eye, staring at the linoleum ground. Maybe I'm blushing. I try to jeer back at him, but my tongue felt like it was made of lead, and it came out in a stammer. "J-J-Just admit you're into me."

Shit like that used to happen every day for me.

Boring day at work. Not much to say. I feel like I'm going crazy with how samey the days are.

brother my head hurts the alcohol is real

hard wear like wearing dicks


god needs to understand that i am baby and i cannot do a 4 part IT course for my job

plus side is i saw a hawk fly next to the window im across from. it was pretty rad

other plus side is i have no manager yet so ive been doing what i want pretty much

still scared of getting a tax return assigned tho

what if no one realizes im here except HR, and i just get to sit on my ass with no manager and nothing assigned to me. and i just collect paychecks

it would be the dream

a crooked dick can't be straight

TIL yellow conduct = insensitive, reactionary, rude

"it's imperative to color code negative behavior so people don't feel attacked."

gonna start telling people their conduct is piss

we're using "microaggression” in hr training, fr? was this written by an actual person

i hate how happy i get when i receive messages at work, even if it's just the IT guy or the HR girl fixing something mundane. i keep imagining these people are my friends just because they answered a work-related message, like they're paid to do. im so socially starved.

im so pathetic


Today I'm in the office, not much to do so it's gonna be a drag. The office manager didn't know I started, so she’s a bit flustered. Whatever.

Download 100 Years of Solitude on my phone I guess.

Well I had to run home because I forgot my social security card, which HR needs to see. So I'm at home now fucking off. I'm glad, because it got me out of staying at the office all day.

I had a dream last night of getting bullied at school by a guy. Then I was raped by him and four of his buddies. It wasn't a good dream, though it didn't disturb my sleep much, and I don't remember much of it thankfully. My kinks died down a lot since January, and I'm pretty vanilla in my tastes now. Maybe a few toys occasionally, but that's it.

I feel awake enough finally to enjoy some gaming tonight. Thank christ, the past few days have been boring.

can we stop lying about anime not being mainstream? my hero academia merch gets sold in walmart, for fuck's sake.

I keep feeling completely exhausted at the end of the day, and I don't like it. Right around at 3pm I crash. Maybe it's the sleep. Maybe I'm waking up too early. (I'm waking up at 5am to wish T off.)

Peeko and I have our periods sync'd.

period started when the twin towers fell, what does that mean

Peeko laid a weird bumpy egg. It's most likely that she ate too much grit, but it could be a sign of something more serious. (Yeah, pigeons eat rocks for calcium, for egg laying. I think cats also eat stones but for digestive reasons?) Her energy seems fine. The only thing that's off is she's acting more disinterested in her fake eggs than usual, so I hope she doesn't start laying a bunch too fast.

I'm so bored of Reddit.


This job so far is the most relaxed and casual job I've ever had. I say before returns start getting assigned to me. Maybe I'll change my mind.

Apparently no one gives a fuck when you show up to work, as long as you get all of your work done. Thank fuck for that, because I'm chronically 30 minutes late to everything.

Which also means I don't have to be at my computer when there's nothing to do. Right now I've hit that point, because I'm still having trouble accessing a lot of software. I have a three o clock meeting tomorrow with the IT guy.

... it's boring, waiting until the end of the day. I'm still nervous about completely leaving the work computer before 5, so I'm just watching it for any messages while writing in here.

I guess one thing is I'm still worried about getting assigned a higher title than I was expecting. I'm afraid I'm going to make extremely stupid mistakes, and of people wishing they didn't assign me a senior status. I don't know why I got this job; I was expecting an experienced tax staff position.

I'm still feeling pretty lonely. Too many empty hours with no one to talk to.

I don't know how people can be happy alone, in their own world. You get so bored of yourself, at least I do. I wanna hear about other people's lives.

My sleep is still bad. I woke myself up last night by talking to myself in my sleep. I was making a joke about phones, I think? The loudness of my voice woke me up. I've been afraid of taking any weed because I think that might have something to do with the obnoxiousness of my dreams.

The wfh dream is to sit in a discord call with someone I really like, who is also wfh. And we just work on our own thing, not really talking, maybe just to vent to each other about work every once in a while. The silence between us would be comfortable. It would make things less lonely.

F and I could've had that. I don't think he'd understand why I'd want to do this though. I don't think most people would understand at all.

My Mom, I think, used to be a nicer person. But the cancer, my special needs brother, my father's emotional abandonment, destroyed her. Growing up was slowly watching her die. And now I don't know what she is anymore, something inhuman, full of rage. She doesn't treat other people humanely, so, it's hard to call her human.

I think she used to be a nicer person, but maybe my memories of her as a young child are inaccurate, because you can only understand so much as a child. She's told me things about herself in her 20s that indicate that she's always been angry. So I'm probably forming the wrong conclusions about why she's the way she is.

Still, I can't help but unfairly blame myself and my brother for destroying her. (My brother on an objective level is innocent of hurting anybody) We were mere children. And the illnesses couldn't be controlled. And we didn't make her marry our Dad.

I think things used to be happier with me and my Mom, maybe? I have a hard time telling. I miss having faith in her judgment and morals, and loving her, and being a normal family, and not having to question everyone, and not feeling distrust towards everyone, and not always watching the horizon for betrayal, and not always feeling alone with myself and my judgment because I only trust myself and my judgment, and actually being able to form connections with people without an invisible, impenetrable wall present. Built from all the betrayal and misplaced trust.


Well here we are on 9/9/24 about to make some money again. Time to track cash and save stocks.

It's about 20 minutes before the remote IT setup meeting. Idk why they didn't just call me into the office. I guess the IT guy wanted to work from home as well lol.

There's no light in my room, I seriously need to fix that. And I hope Brewster behaves. I plan on using push to talk so the cooing shouldn't be that bad. They might ask me to move him outside though. (But I hope not because I love him and that would suck.)

No thoughts, head empty. A little sleepy. The sleep aid worked well last night, my dreams were less loud and brutal.

Oh, I'm already bored y'all.

First day of work was a lot of talking, IT setup, HR stuff. Not very interesting. Talking to these people is otherworldly. It's like they've never socially fucked up before. I mask my social incompetencies well now, at least.

I'm still struggling to find someone interesting to talk to though, in general. Today was just my first day, so maybe there's hope in the future. I keep trying with people I meet on Discord, Reddit, and previous jobs. But it doesn't seem like people know how to carry a conversation, or how to open up about themselves on something that's actually interesting to talk about. I think I'm trying to make the atmosphere relaxed, to be vulnerable and open, so they open up about themselves as well. But it doesn't seem to work, man. Especially not with people my age.

I think I still hide my humor, which might be the problem. Though I don't think I'm the funniest person. My humor is weird and stupid, and not about things people generally find funny. T's Mom has a real easy time because she's all about fart jokes and slapstick humor, which everyone enjoys. Except me, because my asshole is so tight you can use it for nuclear fusion.

Idk, maybe I should just shut the fuck up forever.

I hope bookbug is accomplishable this month. Between the new job and my sleep issues, it's hard to read. I'll write a partial review if that's all I can get in.


It felt like I almost stopped breathing twice last night, and I had terrible dreams about not being able to breathe. The dreams invloved alternate fantasy universes, Trump supporters, replication superpowers, teenagers, various surreal landscapes, and passing out repeatedly.

In this dream there was an alternate universe, and only me and the 100 people with me knew about it. We were all teenagers again living together, seemed like an endless party or rave.

A magic train appeared one morning, and 20ish people boarded it and it took them to the alternate universe. A lot of us were bummed that we didn't get to go. But there were these strange tribalistic animal murals we called gates, and if we could figure out how to activate them, we can access the alternate world.

So, yanno, some of us just moped around not giving a rat's ass, too busy getting doped up or whatever. The rest of us tried to figure out how to open the gates. We knew blood was involved. Dream me came up with the idea of taking pigeon blood and growing it in containers, so we didn't have to keep sacrificing animals. (Idk why we didn't just buy pig's blood from a butcher or something.)

This is when the Trump supporter side quest starts. By some act of God we were required to go to a teen-led Trump convention held in my middle school gymnasium. To pay our respects. Only about 6 of us went, and the whole place was a sea of sweaty white boys moving in unison, getting mad at your boobs and pelting you with rocks and slurs. I felt stood up because I was expecting a hundred other people on my team to show up, like, was I pranked into going here or something?

Anyways, I skidaddled. I did not run, but I did have a very strong power walk. The boys morphed into an unidentifiable mass of screaming mouths and limbs, and rolled along after me, still going at it with the rock-throwing. But my power walk was faster.

Idk how I found this dude, or how I became 10 years old, but eventually in the maze of my middle school hallways, I happened upon a dude who said, "hey, portal's open," and shoved me through a portal.

I pop out on the otherside and a man in a tophat tells me I have the power to duplicate items if I envision them in my mind hard enough. I tried doing this with cheese but create butter instead, and he said I sucked ass. Some lady in a faux fur coat told me I didn't see the sign and was it a good idea to give me this power, Mr. Hat man? He threw me back into the portal.

I was determined though, to master my new powers. I told my fellow teen partiers to bring me a blue styrofoam plate with a hole in it, so I can replicate them. They did, and I failed. So I thought, maybe I can change the floating ring's color from purple to red. So I went up to the local purple Sonic ring floating around outside the house party house, and tried to make it red. I passed out from this intensive labor, and I woke up to the faces of 8-10 teenagers I've never seen before. "Here, we brought you oxygen." They put a styrofoam cup over my mouth with a tube sticking out and told me to breathe.

I don't know if the ring changed color or not.

Now I'm older, sitting with my ten year old self in what seems to be a family-owned inn. A man sits across from us, "We need someone to go talk to the Trump supporters, and we only have you two."

"Aren't there leadership people for that?"

"They're cowards," he said. You could hear the disappointment in his voice.

"Well despite her powers, this girl is suicidal because she hasn't figured out how to master them. So I guess I'll go."

I get teleported to an arctic plain. The cold bites, and I'm unable to breathe. A structure hangs over me, a wave frozen moments before its crash. The ice is clear and gives a warped view of the sky and sun. I'm struggling, fighting to breathe, fighting something. I think I may have tried opening my eyes at this point, but all I saw was a mess of sky and sunlight coming through my bedroom window, in blotches and welts, no discernable shapes...

I woke up eventually, gasping for breath. My breathing didn't normalize until around noon. T thinks I'm anemic, and because of that, I'm not getting enough oxygen in my sleep. Though it could also be sleep apnea. Or it could be my increase in medication! I hope next time I die in my sleep.


Last weekend before the new job. It's gonna be a long while before I can have time like this off again. Godspeed.

Christ though, getting married is a pain. We're going to have to take a day off in the week to get everything straightened out with the court. Name changes are also a fucking pain. I'm having to buy a printer just because I need to print out so much crap for various state agencies. (NJ birth certificate needs to be updated, etc...) I'm a bit worried because it's not a good look to request a day off right as you start a new job, but maybe they'll be nice and let me have it.

With my period of relaxation over, I want to start watching my health again. I fell off of all of that during the stress of job hunting and depression. I got a bunch of junk food this week, so I'm going to enjoy it until Monday, but start exercising this weekend.

There's no way I'll be able to get through all the junk food I bought, so uh... I'll tell T to hide it lol. (He puts it on a high shelf I can't reach, and it actually works at making me forget it's there lol.)

(Sometimes I'm mentally 3 years old.)

I've entered a rhythm of making an entry on this site in the morning. It helps ground me for the day. I think that's why most of my entries are about mundane life stuff.

Today I got a haircut, some miscellaneous items at Home Depot, including strip lights for the apartment (we can't drill holes in the walls). And I picked up my prescription and played video games for the rest of the day.

Not a bad day.


I started crying today because I was thinking about my parents and how angry I am at them. They popped up in my mind, because I have to tell them we're ready for a court wedding, and I said I would invite them. I tend to honor my word, unfortunately.

I'm angry and afraid... I'm tired of pretending with my Dad that I don't think there's anything wrong with my Mom. I don't think I can physically lie about it anymore. I'm just so tired of putting on the act, especially since I'm honest to a fault in the rest of my life, and I've largely stopped caring what people think of me.

I keep wondering why they haven't divorced yet, and it's probably because my Dad doesn't want to care for J on him own, more than because he loves my mother. And I had the thought, "well, I could take in J."

... I love J, but that'd be such a terrible thing to saddle me with at 28, when I finally have some freedom and luxury. I started crying at the thought of how I would do it, all the things I'd have to do to prepare for him, and how I'd care for him when he's here.

I think I have about 10-20 years, before I need to seriously think about taking him in...


i have to wait to play deadlock wah. vinny pretty pissed at this developer. ive never seen vinny pissed at a dev before. or anyone else, really. Like everyone who knows KNOWS Vinny is not an angry guy. i dont think the weed is making me read into this, like, this is Vinny's version of Mad. subtle, no change in tone, but the word CHOICE is more.... punchy?

kinda hot

i had a dog named Vinny once. dead now.

sat in a weird position while playing deadlock and now my arm hurts


I've been listening to A Silver Mt. Zion obsessively. I don't think I've truly recognized how great they are before, despite knowing about them for years. Them and GYBE are some of my favorite bands I think. (GYBE and A Silver Mt. Zion share band members, which is why I mention them both together.)

Today is my psychiatrist appointment. After that I'll try to be good again.

So, you know what's cool, is going to your psychiatrist appointment and her asking for your blood test results from last year. Because you remember a lot of things being borderline abnormal, but your primary care waved it off as nothing. Stuff in your blood can affect your mood though, which is why she asked. So after the psyche appointment, you go back through your blood test results and send her any measurements that are off. And you discover, repeatedly, that you are showing signs of kidney disease.

Which is very, uh. Hm.

Okay so idk if I'm being paranoid. But when multiple areas of my blood test show I borderline have kidney disease? I'm a little... scared.

I KNEW there was something off about having 10-20 UTIs over the course of ten years. I always thought it was the college food but I guess not.

Fucking christ.

When the health care from this next job kicks in, I'm going to go to a kidney doctor and have him look at my blood test results. Which might be a total waste of money. But what if it's not?

But now I'm also paranoid that I'm developing health OCD. Fuck.

Good news is I think this has been going on for a long time, and fortunately I'm not dead, so I guess whatever is going on it's not life threatening. But still.

psychiatrist said i need another blood test because the one i got makes me look anemic. great...

i took the new dose of meds today though, and i feel slightly better. im hoping once work starts again i won't be as isolated and depressed.

I played a lot of Deadlock today. People are calling it Valve's Overwatch. I'm the freezy dude and it's been a lot of fun! I suck though, so I'm only playing against bots. I still don't have great damage output in comparison to other players, so I'm probably not going to move on from bots until that gets better.

It's gonna suck if they nerf him. He's not on people's radars as much as other characters, but the slow he has people are saying is broken. Though, then again, everyone on the Deadlock subreddit is saying every character is broken.

Other than that, I cleaned a lot today, under the bird cage finally. All the fucking DUST. It's hard to go in the bedroom now because of all the dust that got kicked up. I keep sneezing like a little bitch.

I'm not excited to clean more, but I have to because the job starts Monday.


I can't focus on any one thing today. I keep getting distracted by some other thing I think of doing. Idk how many times this morning I thought, "I should enter something on my site," and went to go do something else.

Still going through it.

I have an oral surgery consultation at 3pm today. And I need to start cleaning so I can have a proper home office not covered in bird seed.

Peeko is sitting on top of Brewster atm. Unfortunately, whenever I try to get a picture of them they move.

Pigeon flirting involves face sitting, the female sitting on the male. I'm torn between saying more about this or not.

Sooooooo the name change went through. Day 1 of having a new name. I don't know how to feel. I used to hate my name as a kid, but over time I grew attached to it. I think I hated my name because I hated myself back then. I still struggle, but I like myself more now, and I started liking my old name more as a result. My attitude towards my name became something I took pride in, because of all the hard work I had to do to make me feel better about myself and my life.

Which is why I didn't completely get rid of my old name. But I had to go through the name change because of my marriage coming up, and because of how my parents screwed up my legal name when I was born. Lol.

My last name makes sense for the marriage, but I didn't have to change my middle name. I could've left it. There's something good about removing the blemish my parents left on my middle name though, I think. I should want to fix a mistake like that, instead of remaining ambivalent.


oh thank FUCK my psychiatrist had an opening this week because i am not doing great

i dont think i should be like this for my new job son

cock cage?

how well do you think skibidi toilet would poll in the breaking bad universe?

you know, i have a drawing that i could be doing. but instead i am here. writing this. but to be fair, it's not the most creative drawing. it's basically inside out. the movie. so.... honestly nothing of value lost.

hey, how do i forget my own card number, so i stop buying shit? im scared.

idk if weed helps. all i know is i feel more like myself with it. i think im fine with that.

i don't blame people for drinking.

you know what i regret? looking down on someone for drinking. what a stupid move. disgusting. hypocriticcal. very reminscent of the time i looked down on someone for liking metal. that level of ignoramous.

i understand why you did it now
the drugs
why you were contemplating it
i get it
i was so young though, how did you expect that i would understand?
i didn't. took me almost 30 years to begin to understand.
such strength. but i think this is how im going to fall
tell me, am i at the beginning of it?

can't self harm by cutting, because it's visible.
can't kill a man,
can't kill yourself because you'll leave them
it's not about being seen, it's about hiding yourself
i build beautiful illusions of strength
so i can be so quiet
so they won't look in my direction

they'll never find me
and i'll always be running
as sure as the sun

it;s all a massive fight

dear lord and christ it's a blood bath
and we're your children!
do not lie to them!
their suffering only worsens

were we a mistake?
what if god is crying because he can't stop this?
a small blue man, hunched over, sobbing, weak

i wonder how many people from my high school made it this far.

i dont think im ever going to fully remember my childhood. there's a lot i don't remember anymore. i can only tell you a fuzzy outline. i forget most of middle school. i forget 6th and 7th grade. in 8th grade i only remember one person: someone i had a crush on. and it was the same in high school. i only remember the internet.


Brewster being cute af right now loafing next to my foot on the bed.

Yeah I think I'm kinda shit at art, ngl. Nah, no, I just don't have motivation for it rn...

Actually yanno what? It's because I'm feeling a bit insecure that I had all this time off, but I never completed anything more than designing this website. God, I gotta stop being hard on myself. At least I designed something! It's not like I did nothing. I was trying to put this place together. That's just what my brain is on.

Still not completely satisfied btw, but it's a lot better. I worry this page is a bit too green. I also need to add more little details... but idk what yet. ToT

The waterpark was a nice change of pace, and I think it got me out of my bad mood a bit, because I'm feeling better this morning than a few days ago.

T told me, "I think maybe you just wanted to swim in a fancy pool," and I think he was right, because I spent an obscene amount of time in the lazy river. And honestly, I think I was more interested in that than the rides. It's been forever since I've fully immersed myself in water. The cool water felt nice... even T enjoyed it. He usually hates swimming.

I guess next time I'm feeling like this I'll just go to a pool or a river.

I felt old, just wanting to chill in the pool at a waterpark.

We also went on this rollercoaster/water ride hybrid. You get in one of the carts and it crashes you into a pool of water. The way the water sprayed around us when we landed was beautiful. The water filled my vision: a million crystals in an arc, glittering in the sun.

There was a big rollercoaster we went on, well it wasn't big, but it was terrifying. I'm not sure what happened. My body was ragdolling in the seat the entire time lmao. I think I had 5 seconds of fun on that ride and the rest was "wtf?"

Yet now I have the urge to go on it again. Lol.

I woke up at 2:30am today, and I just don't feel like sleeping. I think I had about 5 hours of sleep. I can always nap later today.

I'm retreating into my own head again today.

I'm jealous of people who can become obsessed with a fantasy world or franchise. It makes it easier to know what to do with yourself when you're alone, and you can create headcannons and whatever for all of that. Which sounds fun to me, but there's nothing I feel that attached to. And it's become harder for me to imagine new things.

Other people seem to have an easier time getting attached to media, but I'm so picky with it. And for some reason, I have a hard time remembering what I've watched. Most things aren't very memorable to me.

... I feel dead inside...

When I was younger, and still now but less, these times are when I'd start clinging to people for attention. To pull me out of my head. The past few days I've been pestering A for this reason, but the fun of that is wearing off.

What am I feeling, exactly?

It feels like there's a hollow chamber in my chest--okay technically, we all have hollow chambers in our chests. What I mean is I feel empty. What is "empty"? Some sort of anxiety, warm and vast. Tints everything. It's like a fog, but it's not suffocating you, it's not an extreme pain, it's a subtle thing. A subtle unease... maybe the fog stings a little. If you're walking somewhere or if you have something on your mind, it's easier to ignore. But if you don't, you feel this stinging all across your skin. Like when your skin almost blisters, but it doesn't. The emptiness is like some sort of smog.

You're out in the middle of nowhere trying to deal with this smog, and everything hurts. You lose focus and drive. You know the way to make the smog hurt less is by moving, but that goes against your body's natural instinct to curl up into a ball. You're stuck between what you know and what your body wants to do. I usually start screaming for help at this point, for someone to push me along or carry me with them. People, more often than not, don't come though. T can't today because he's out with a friend. I don't have other people I'm close to.

It ends with changes in prescriptions or drugs.

Another thing about this is everything feels very tiring. Like turning on a movie, the most passive thing, all the light and sound feels like a burden. Or I think it will be a burden, it's usually not. But the idea of it is tiring.


God gives his toughest challenges to his strongest warriors, but buddy, I don't feel like being strong today. I can't make a new webpage after going to a water park, mi boy!

And yet, I do so anyways.


Why do I do this to myself?