My very bitey boi. Likes fighting. Likes biting. Doesn't really care for anything else. Has a foot fetish. Anxious-attachment personality style. He means well, he's just being a teenager.
Coos. A lot.
Always watching.
An actual queen living in my her apartment.
Has a sophisticated mind incomprehenisble to layfolk such as I. Likes the color red. Likes Metal, especially the growls. Permanent poker face. Probably judging you.
Though I think the missus is starting to notice me lately... >_>
Doesn't understand the difference between a bird bath and a water bowl.
Unethical to own. 5 years old, at least. Likes to burrow under the dirt for months at a time. Started presenting female at 4 years of age. When not underground, she's crawling on the ceiling of her cage in the middle of the night. Can never chill at a single altitude.
Dollface survivor.
Cage dimensions for bird mats: